Which does go to show just how well replicated the moves are it really does seem like they’ve motion captured each wrestler to get the moves spot on.
I’ve been playing in the presence of friends, and every time a head-adjusting closeline, skull-crushing piledriver or back-breaking knee drop landed my pals would wince. The actual wrestling is the best it has been in years, with certain mechanics making sense and the moves themselves being incredibly well animated and having real impact. We may as well start with the positives (though they often flow straight into negatives) with 2K17, the first of which being that it seems to be a vast improvement on recent entries in the series. They’re heading in the right direction, but they’re stumbling with every single step. WWE 2K17 feels like it’s at a crossroads, stuck between being an actual wrestling game and just remaining a mediocre fighting game. I’m quite worried that this review may transpire to be about 2,000 words, because there is just so much to say about WWE 2K17.